blog post was started a while ago but I'm a lazy son of bitch and didn't feel like finishing it. Unlike Congress who are already lying lazy bastards who steal your money for their own damn good and don't give two shits about you. Also you voted for them and they are screwing you good, but I wasn't voted for and am helping the government educated masses become intelligent individuals not a drooling collective. One small benefit of my procrastination is I saw a fox news bit with Neil Cavuto. Before I go on, YES fox news is as full of shit as msnbc, cnn, and abc. That being said all "news" organizations have dots of truth that they smear with lies and left/right wing propaganda. One of these dots was Neil Cavuto admitting it wasn't just the right wingers attack the left wing congressmen it was right, moderate, and left wingers attacking Replicrats and Dempublicans who agreed with socialized medicine. The second truthful dot is another congressmen on Neil's 98% bullshit biased show was when a congressman said (and i'm paraphrasing) "Even if this healthcare plan didn't deny coverage to certain groups, I'd opposed it do to the sheer amount of money it cost that we DON'T HAVE". Which is true even if it didn't deny coverage it WILL increase the deficit and we CAN'T AFFORD it. Something for the average American to think about why should you pay for a bill YOU'RE not going to use and why should you pay for people who do stupid things and get hurt? Why would you want pay for something that is threatening to destroy your means of healthcare? Prior to becoming elected, Obama admitted that socialized medicine would destroy healthcare in the private sector. (check link below, there are a few other random clips of lying politic pathogens talking about healthcare takeover aswell), you dumbass what about the skyrocketing cost of healthcare? Well simpleton, it's simple (pun intended) cut out the bullshit included in plans for "hairplugs, counseling, sexual performance" ect. that are in MOST plans that MANY Americans don't need. Let's start there, then give companies LARGE tax deductions for the more people they accept for coverage and more tax deductions for the lower there premium is relative to the seriousness of the condition. Lastly, why can't we pay for healthcare, because the government fucking steals our money via income tax which was specifically forbidden in the constitution but amended by corrupt politicians. Then we get MUCH more money and the insurance companies get benefits for NOT screwing us over. Also how about a flat federal sales tax to get keep money flowing into politicians' hands. You could also shut down the Federal Reserve,restrict or dismantle the CIA, and other government agencies that are control oriented and have been involved in big crimes like torture. If you did any of these you'd save billions, if you did two or three of these you'd save trillions. If all these steps were followed with some regulation and a time table with guidance and transparency on all parts we'd get out of debt in 20 to 30 years, which isn't bad considering the deficit. Now the the link above is important because of how Obama twists his own plan to make it seem like if your against it your un-American like Pelosi said.
"Mr. Obama predicted that Congress would pass health care legislation, suggesting that while hoping for a bipartisan bill, he would abandon efforts to get Republican support if it became necessary. “The most important thing is to get it done for the American people,” he said.", is a quote from the New York Times. Let's break this Obama outlandish lie apart, first without a bipartisan bill (especially one of this magnitude) it is not for "the American people" it's for a many American people not THE American people. We aren't a flat out Democracy where the minority isn't ignored and plowed over by the vast or slight majority, we are a Republic where the minority is heard and helped out. Obviously this isn't always the case like with blacks, native americans, and women but eventually we DID get it done. If we were ONLY a Democracy and not a Democratic Republic we would of never gotten it done because the minority wouldn't of had even a tiny voice. Democracy ALONE allows a misinformed and brainwashed public to trample on the intellectual few or vice versa, which leads more easily into a communist, fascists, or even totalitarian dictatorship form of government. The news and government funded schools are saying we are a flat out democracy and spewing other lies which slowly but surely defunct the nation until enough sheeple try to take charge and topple the constitution. In other words the government uses "education" and "news" to trick the people into harming their own interest by handing more power over to the government or all believing (a flat out democratic society where the majority of people believe the government knows best is where we are headed and from there to the abyss) the government knows best allowing the government to have a power grab. So Obama bipartisanship though not law is VERY VERY important in our DEMOCRATIC-REPUBLIC when a law with this much POWER and INFLUENCE is about to pass. The most important thing is to get it done for the American people, unless the American people break the conditioning and realize they are treading in uncharted waters. He tries to compare government socialized medicine to UPS, FEDEX vs the post office and says how the public companies are doing good while the post office is struggling. The post office lost $14billion recently, so we should want to follow in the footsteps with deficit digging healthcare? So you admit government programs don't work and create debt so why have MORE (the post office does good compared to government med programs like medicare and medicaid).
Now onto the New York Times who cover government corruption and crimes. They show the most outlandish things like the "Euthanize Obama" sign and then a "opposing sign", euthanize ignorance: Go Obama, to make it seem fair but that makes those against a healthcare takeover look like all radicals and right wing nut jobs. But Americans not republicrats or dempublicans are against both parties trying to gain more power. This is leftist spin while fox news might put news about how big pharma is good to his "friends". Also all the left liars say Obama doesn't take money from big pharma, EVEN IF HE DOESN'T(this i haven't checked into), he takes money from other lobbyist. Forget that he said he would let lobbyist in the white house, now WHEN he's not blowing them he's sucking off the people for more power. The right retards say no listen to the BiG RIG companies and DON'T change anything (while we are on a collision course with a depression). Left loonies bashed Bush while he gave the banks the power and silently drained the people of rights, right retards bash Obama while he takes power for the bank and lobbyist controlled government and silently slips attention away from the big bankers buying out America. WAKE THE FUCK UP, IF YOU DON'T WANT YOU IN YOUR LATE 80'S OR YOU DAMN KIDS AND GRANDKIDS TO BE COMPLETELY GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED DICKWADS!